An area calculation equal to 43,560 square feet, often used to identify the size of a property.
Cubic Foot
Volume calculation equal to a 12 inch cube, often used to identify quantity of airflow for a building
Cubic Foot per Minute
Unit of measure identifying quantity of airflow per minute for an HVAC system.
Cubic Yard
Volume calculation equal to 27 cubic feet, often used to calculate quantity of concrete, soil, and aggregate.
Lineal/Linear Foot
Measure of length equal to one foot of length
Square Foot
An area calculation equal to 12 inches by 12 inches, used to calculate size and quantity of many items in building projects.
Square Yard
Area calculation equal to 3 feet by 3 feet, often used to identify quantity of flooring and asphalt pavement surfaces.
An area equal to 100 square feet, typically used to identify quantity of roofing material
Measure of weight equal to 2,000 pounds, often used to identify quantity of structural steel, and aggregate.